Saturday, July 17, 2010

Blended Coffee Drinks

I am a sucker for Frappuccinos and all blended coffee drinks. Especially in the summer. And on a 90+ summer afternoon doesn't everyone want/deserve/need a frozen caffeinated treat?
So when I saw this recipe on Joy the Baker's blog, I was intrigued by the addition of instant pudding to add that vanilla flavor and thickening agent.
I just made one and it is pretty tasty, rivals the coffee shop variety, I think. I did equal parts coffee and milk, about 1t sugar and then my husband emptied in the maple syrup bottle that we almost finished at breakfast so that was about 1t maple syrup. I also added about 1-2T vanilla instant pudding and about a tray and a half of ice cubes. I let it blend for a while to get the ice pretty crushed.
Pretty refreshing wake up on Saturday afternoon! Next time I'll try some add ins like a banana or some chocolate syrup!


  1. I'll have to try that! I tend towards ice cream on hot days myself, but the hubby has become addicted to the McD's version of these, and I feel I must rescue him :)

  2. Impressive details for these blended coffee drink story. Thanks for the sharing.

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