Monday, July 13, 2009


I hear that the best avocadoes are “black and blasted” according to Daniel Pinkwater, though I don’t personally know the reference. But that is about the perfect description of the look of a tasty avocado and the feel should give but if your thumb sinks too far or if the skin feels empty under your pressure, stay away! Also, I think avocadoes are best if they can sit on the counter or in the fruit bowl for a day or two to ripen.

Halve 2 avocadoes and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

Cover with the juice from ½ a lime and mash with the back of a fork.

Add to taste the following:

1/2t salt

1/2t dried oregano

1/4t garlic powder or 1 fresh clove of garlic

1/4t onion powder or 1T diced red onion

1T cilantro, chopped

Lime juice (from ½ to 1 whole lime total)

(Many recipes call for tomatoes too but I prefer for the tomatoes to stay in the salsa!)

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